- Checkpoints can now have both a trigger and a radius/area
Improved / fixed:
- Various code tweaks in most stock files
- Various improvements in level scripts
- Fixed a bug where players’ names didn’t show after activating a suicide trigger
- Fixed a bug where cheating warning would appear if a player already cheated but wasn’t warned yet
- Fixed a bug where setting hide_colldiing_players to false would override hide_all_players
- Aligned buttons on the Onscreen Keys UI
- Improved several ambient music scripts
- Set max aliases shown to 25, when the alias shortcode is used, to fix aliases not showing due to overloading of the iprinln function
- Replaced two HUD elements with Cvars to free up space for HUD elements (due to CoD2’s limit of 32 HUD elements)
- Removed UI for racing mode, all actions can be done quickly through Quick chat commands
- Removed UI for noclip, as it can be done by a Quick chat command or the game’s default /noclip
- Removed the obsolete “teleport weapon” when a player ends, since they can use noclip at any time
- Removed showing the player’s distance passed from HUD
- Removed noclip option for spectators (since they can already move freely around)
- Temporarily disabled surf mode since it needs more development time
1.0 – Official stable release
- Added new small mappacks with average size of 2-3 MB. When a player joins the server, he needs to download only the mappack for the current level, greatly reducing download times and improving user experience
- Server is now completely independent of Activision’s master servers
Improved / fixed:
- Various small fixes on level scripts
- Strafe levels: Sky 2, M-Power, Razer Village, 240, Teme, Strange Ways, Developer, High Grass, Metal, Pen, Unique, Bamboozled, Suffer, Defrag Jump
- Defrag levels: Jumpy, Tutorial
Improved / fixed:
- Switched from identifying players by their official GUIDs to custom made GUIDs due to Activision constantly having problems with their master servers.
- Server port moved to the default 28960 due to DDoS attacks and the firewall not supporting low port numbers
- Added more information in the server name
New Quick chat commands
- battle – Switch between battleing your personal record or the server record (will affect the checkpoint differences shown)
- nowaypoints [on/off] – Hide the waypoints HUD
- nohuds [on/off] – Hide all other 2D HUD
- noiprints [on/off] – Hide all server and level messages
- allowvote (60) – Allow vote after it has been disabled
- resetvotetimeout (60) – Reset the wait time between 2 votes
- saystupid (80) [player_name] – Make the selected player auto-tell a long stupid story
- sayugly (80) [player_name] – Make the selected player auto-tell a very long stupid story, annoying everyone else in the server
- horse (100) [player_name] – Give the player a horse
Improved / fixed:
- Ambient music is now playing through a custom wrapper so that it can be muted per player instead of server-wide
- Changes to the custom voting system to support advanced activation and modification of voting through quick chat commands
- Fixed a bug where a player may bypass the mantle load protection
- Cleaned up and improved various scripts
- Admin ranks – JH affiliated players can get an admin rank between 0 and 100, which would give them in-game access to various administration tools and commands
- Quick chat commands – the player can perform a number of actions by typing !name_of_command in chat (see below for more info)
- Preferred name – the player can set their “preferred” name, which would be displayed on the leaderboards, regardless of their current name
- Display the player’s current FPS-type next to their names in the scoreboard
- Prevent players from having duplicate names
- Server name now shows the next level in rotation
Quick chat commands
Added support for the following quick commands: (Required admin rank is given in brackets, additional parameters are given in square brackets)
- saybold / sb (40) – Display a message visible to all players
- setnextmap (40) – Set the next level in rotation
- endmap (80) – End the current level
- addtime (80) – Add more time to the current level
- vote / v / callvote – Start a new vote
- veto (60) – Veto an ongoing vote
- commands / cmds – See a list of all available commands
- help / h [command_name] – See info about the selected command
- getlist / list (20) – See a list of all players on the server
- getrank / rank / level / lvl [player_name] – See the admin rank of the selected player
- alias / a / realname / rn [player_name] – See all names the selected player has used on the server
- nextmap – See which is the next level in rotation
- time / t – See the current time (real-life time)
Affecting other players
- shock (60) [player_name] [duration (sec)] – Apply a shell shock effect on the chosen player
- space (60) [player_name] [duration (sec)] – Apply a disturbing space effect on the chosen player
- rename (60) [player_name] [new_name] – Rename the chosen player
- forcespec (60) [player_name] – Put the chosen player in spectator mode
- killplayer / kp (60) [player_name] – Kill the chosen player
- kick (80) [player_name] – Kick the chosen player from the server
- promote (100) [player_name] – Change the admin rank of the chosen player
- teleplayer (80) [player_name] – Teleport the chosen player to your position
- beannoying / ba (80) [player_name] – Display a random auto-generated annoying message every time the chosen player loads his previous position
- mute (80) [player_name] – Hide all chat messages for the chosen player server-wide
- unmute (80) [player_name] – Remove the effect of Mute
Affecting self
- setprefname / prefname [name] – Set your “preferred” name, which would be displayed on the leaderboards, regardless of your current name
- fps [value] – Change your FPS-type
- drawdist [value] – Change the draw distance setting, to increase your frame rate
- drawworld [“on” / “off”] – Turn drawing the world on or off, to increase your frame rate
- noclip / nc – Use noclip
- reset / r – Reset your stats to start a new run
- autoreset [“on” / “off”] – When on, if you try to load a position and have not saved yet, your stats will be reset
- stopmusic – Stop the ambient music of the level
- startmusic – Start the ambient music again
- findmap [text] – See a list of all levels, that match the chosen text
- teleport / tele (20) [player_name] – Teleport yourself to the chosen player’s location
- telesave (20) [player_name] – Teleport yourself to the last saved position of the chosen player
- savesett – Save any settings that you have changed to your profileour profile
- challenge / chal [player_name] – Challenge the chosen player to a 1 vs 1 race
- accept – Accept an incoming invitation for a race
- deny – Deny an incoming invitation for a race
- revoke – Withdraw a race invitation you have sent
- endrace / stoprace – Stop the current race, you will auto-lose
Note: [player_name] does not need to be the full name, but it must be one word only. For example “!rename John Newname” will rename player “John Smith” to “Newname”.
Improved / fixed:
- Fixed some levels where a mantle is missing, by creating scripted mantles
- Fixed players not listed by the server on levels without a spectator spawn
- Fixed invalid model paths in Lost, Big Escape and Office Space, which would crash the server
- Gametype changed from “jump” to “codjumper” for compatibility
- Two new gametypes – defrag and surf
- New defrag levels: Portal, City, 840, Base, Movement, Crystal, Pyramith, Hell, Twin Towers, Zotyi, Sky Platform, Deport, Defrag, Defrag 2, UJ Defrag
- New surf levels: Utopia, Deathproof, Lasci
- Custom voting system to replace the default one by CoD, which also fixes the Vote Spectator bug
- Vote cooldown to prevent from spam calling votes
- UI for calling a vote (select a level, next level, kick player)
Improved / fixed:
- Major improvements in the database queries to fix an issue where the server would lag when a player finished a level which has many records
- Completely remade mappacks: removed duplicated and old files, fixed various scripts, textures and sounds
- UI for the Challenge mode through the quick menu
- UI for various options and settings through the quick menu
- When you hover over a player, you can see their name with real colors
- Checkpoints support nesting and multiple routes
- Certain checkpoints can be hidden dynamically on levels with multiple routes
- Checkpoints can be activated with triggers and can start events
- Hidden checkpoints to prevent shortcuts, which do not display checkpoint times
- A system to determine the frequency with which a level would appear in map rotation
- Many new levels: Big Money, Little Money, Sky, Office Space (easy, hard and ultra), Vista (hard), Lava Jump, Deluxe, Kryptest, Kryptest 2, Smokey, Skate, Papadopulus, Escape from Alcatraz, Arthas, Jump Fantasy, Jump Fantasy 2, Carrots, Clock Jump, R8 Jump Arena, Nevim, Race (hard)
- Primary server moved from VPN to dedicated with major performance improvements
Improved / fixed:
- Many changes to the checkpoint system
- Fixed issues where the server would lag when a player passes a checkpoint on levels with many records
- Improved HUD colors
- Challenge mode – each player can challenge another one on the server for a 1 vs 1 race
- Options to challenge a player, accept, deny or cancel a race (no UI yet)
- New levels: Pier 2, Ine, Hell, JH, Plazma, Thunder Jump, Bath, Race (easy), Jump Tower, Ice Jump
- Added checkpoints on a number of levels
- Protection against the “PrintScreen exploit”, where a player could pass through a trigger undetected, if he repeatedly made screenshots, which would cause his game to lag
Improved / fixed:
- Fixed a bug where the player’s FPS-type may be detected wrong, if the player’s connection lagged while spawning
- Fixed a bug where the player’s slowdown is not reset, if they loaded while in air
- More improvements to the database and optimization of queries
- UI to switch between type of dynamic stats to be displayed (time, saves, loads or jumps)
- UI to switch between FPS-type at the in-game records board
- Server name now displays time remaining for the current level
- Various shortcut fixes
Improved / fixed:
- Numerous improvements to the database structure and queries
- Checkpoint times now display a difference from the top record for the player’s current FPS-type
- Checkpoint times are now displayed with dvars instead of iprints
- Moved text of checkpoint times for the active player to top of the screen, instead of the center, to avoid distracting the player
- Added proper labels for record types at the in-game records board
Records and stats
- Writing records and stats to a MySQL database
- Checkpoint times – tracking best times at each checkpoint, showing difference from best time
- Dynamic stats – show the player’s current position among the other players at each checkpoint
- Dynamic stats can be switched to track time, saves, loads or jumps (no UI yet)
- Display Top 10 records for time, saves, loads and jumps in-game, through the quick menu
- Start tracking player’s time after they start moving, instead of at spawn
- Sort records by fps in the database (no UI yet)
- No more blocking – players pass through each other
- When player A is close to player B, B is hidden from A’s vision
- Option to switch between ‘hide players when close’, ‘always hide all players’, and ‘always show all players’
- Automatically detect the player’s fps at spawn
- If the player changes their fps in the middle of a run, set fps type to Mix
- Show currently pressed keys for movement, when spectating another player
- Measure distance between 2 platforms
- In-game tools to boost frame rate
Improved / fixed:
- Transferred from saving data to files to a MySQL database
- Improved nade jumps tracking and fixed possible exploits
- Various minor fixes
0.1 – initial alpha release
Saving and loading
- Save current position
- Load last saved position
- Load last 1000 saves, by holding use key, loading 1 position per sec
- Load all view angles (x,y,z) by default, optionally load only (x,y)
- Reset velocity when loading to prevent bouncing away
- Auto load last position if the player is going to die
- Notify a player if he is blocking the rest (standing at same spot for 5 sec)
- Players cannot be killed, except when they are blocking
- If a player loads at the position where another player is currently blocking, the blocker will be automatically killed
- Can’t save while in air
- Can’t load while mantling or climbing to prevent exploits
- Removed slowdown after a player loads a position
- Initial checkpoint system – players must pass all checkpoints in the right order to finish
- Added checkpoints for 100+ levels
- Tracking player’s time, number of saves, loads, jumps, nadejumps and nadethrows
- Writing records to files
- Save top 10 records for each level – fastest time, fewest saves, loads and jumps
- Initially we started with over 100 levels, which are way too many to manually list
- Nade countdown timer
- Quick menu functions: reset stats, switch between ‘load all angles’ and ‘load only x,y’
- Automatically add +30 min to the current time, if it’s about to expire and there is only 1 active player in the server