The first official JumpersHeaven race – read about the participants, scores, rules and prizes!
The JumpersHeaven Launch race took place between 20 April and 16 June 2013 and concluded with Claay defeating Picajzl in the final.
See who raced against who, results and more at the official page of the tournament: http://challonge.com/jh_launch/
Sign up
Sign up was open until 14 April 2013 and has now completed!
To sign up, post a comment on this article. Write your name, jump team (if any) and xfire for contact. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, 14 April 2013. Don’t miss your chance!
First round dates and results:
Saturday – 20 April- 19:30 – Pauli vs Funki. Pauli won 2-0 on Glass and Pier (easy).
- 20:00 – Mala vs Bert. Mala won 2-1 on Soviet (easy) and Warehouse, lost on Castle (easy).
- 20:30 – Kryptah vs Danny. Danny didn’t show up, so Kryptah got a default win.
- 19:30 – Picajzl vs Bounty. Pica won 2-0 on Btch and Garden v2.
- 20:00 – Xanxus vs Kat. Xanxus won 2-0 on Facilities (easy) and MP Jump.
- 20:30 – Tony vs Punky. Tony won 2-0 on Supreme and Castle (easy).
- 21:00 – Shade vs Brian. Shade won 2-1 on Dustville and D Cow and lost on Pier (easy).
Second round dates and results:
- Sunday, 28 April, 20:00 – Tony won vs Shade with no show
- Sunday, 28 April, 21:00 – Claay won vs Xanxus 2-0 on Giant Beam and Castle (hard)
- Friday, 03 May, 20:00 – Pauli won vs Mala with no show
- Saturday, 04 May, 20:00 – Picajzl won vs Kryptah 2-1 on Facilities and Big Escape and lost on Glass
- Sunday, 12 May, 19:00 – Picajzl won vs Pauli 3-0 on Lost (easy), Descend (full) and Pier (hard)
- Sunday, 19 May, 20:30 – Claay won vs Tony 3-2 on Descend (full), Pier (hard) and Legend, and lost on Lost (easy) and Museum
- Sunday 16 June, 21:30 – Claay won the race against Picajzl
Note – all times are in CET (Central European Time). The matches were streamed live on Xfire. There were also a limited number of spectator spots, for people who wanted to watch the race live in-game.
- The race is free for anyone to join.
- All players must use 125 fps.
- The format of the race will be determined by the number of players who sign up. It would most likely be direct eliminations, where the players are randomly paired with each other. If there is a large number of players who sign up, a group stage may be added.
- Each match will be played on a predefined date. If a player does not show up, he automatically loses the match. If both players don’t show, they both lose.
- The maps for each round will be chosen by a JumpersHeaven admin.
- Any jump and fps hacks are prohibited – if you use them, you will be disqualified.
The winner will get:
- a personal info page at: jumpersheaven.com/yourname
- exclusive access to private JumpersHeaven maps
- invite to be a beta tester of an upcoming jump map
- exclusive access to private JumpersHeaven maps
- invite to be a beta tester of an upcoming jump map